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Relaxamations to relax and energise when living with heart disease

Relaxamations to relax and energise when living with heart disease

Today I am going to tell you about my relaxamation technique and how it can help you to relax and energise when living with heart disease. It is a blend of all of the best bits of meditation, guided relaxation, mindfulness, and positive affirmations. It's so exciting...

Fatigue, the What, the Why and the How-To Work It Out

Fatigue, the What, the Why and the How-To Work It Out

I recently asked in my Facebook community how have people been feeling since their heart attack, cardiac event or open-heart surgery. At the top of the poll was fatigue closely followed up by sleep issues, anxiety and lack of motivation. I thought these would be great...

Interview with Jakki Woywitka, the Healthy Heart Coach

Interview with Jakki Woywitka, the Healthy Heart Coach

Click play to hear the full interview ⬇ Jakki introduces her five pillars of Healing the Heart At the age of 36 she was diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure, Idiopathic Cardiomyopathy and Aortic Stenosis from an undiagnosed Bicuspid Aortic Valve. Her life was...

Getting to know vasodilators (anti-angina) medicines

Getting to know vasodilators (anti-angina) medicines

Vasodilators (anti-angina) medicines are used to ease chest pain, to treat and prevent angina. It helps as it relaxes and widens your blood vessels and decreases your blood pressure. A category of vasodilators called nitrates increases the supply of blood and oxygen...