by Sallie Crawley | Apr 21, 2022 | Acceptance, Emotions, Energy, Hope, Podcast, Relaxamation
For a full understanding of what my guided relaxamations are make sure you catch up with my episode called Relaxamations to relax and energise when living with heart disease, you can read or listen to me explaining it. In a nutshell, though, relaxamations are a blend...
by Sallie Crawley | May 27, 2021 | Confidence, How to, Medication
Vasodilators (anti-angina) medicines are used to ease chest pain, to treat and prevent angina. It helps as it relaxes and widens your blood vessels and decreases your blood pressure. A category of vasodilators called nitrates increases the supply of blood and oxygen...
by Sallie Crawley | Apr 20, 2021 | Acceptance, Blood pressure, Confidence, Emotions, Exercise, Hope, Podcast
She had been experiencing regular headaches and stress, at one point thought her blood pressure machine must have been broken. Who’d have thought about a heart attack. Constant headaches and stress Sara was fit, healthy and ate a good diet. She had been...
by Sallie Crawley | Mar 11, 2019 | Confidence, Direction, How to, Purpose, Smoking
Swapping one addiction for another? I wanted to know how to stop smoking naturally. There is the option to take medication to help you quit the fags but that’s not for everyone and can have some nasty side effects. Like me do you want to stop smoking without...
by Sallie Crawley | Mar 4, 2019 | Confidence, Energy, Hope, How to, Smoking
Are you ready? Change is one of the constants in your life and getting ready to quit smoking signifies the start of your journey. Over 20 years ago two alcoholism researchers, Carlo C. DiClemente and J. O. Prochaska, developed a model of change to help with addiction...