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What is the Cardiac Trauma Reprocessing Technique?

What is the Cardiac Trauma Reprocessing Technique?

Living with trauma or PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder) following a heart attack, heart surgery or cardiac arrest can be very debilitating. It affects your life in a lot of ways. Your brain may be making you relive some of the events, you can have flashbacks that...

How to Help Yourself When Feeling Emotional After a Cardiac Event

How to Help Yourself When Feeling Emotional After a Cardiac Event

Feeling emotional after a heart attack, surgery, or cardiac arrest? I’m sure, whilst you are reading this, you may be feeling as though you can't see an ending to this anxiety and worry. You may even think it's pointless trying. You may have started reading these...

Relaxamation – I Am Whole, Healthy & Complete

Relaxamation – I Am Whole, Healthy & Complete

Quit hiding your magic! You are UNIQUE. You are whole, healthy & complete. The only one like you. Your fingerprints are one of a kind, not even identical twins have matching ones. You are the outcome of one egg and around 40 million sperm, any other sperm and you...