Claire was nominated in 2020 for the BHF Heart Hero Awards. She has contributed in amazing ways to raise awareness of heart failure and has had many TV interviews, been in national papers and BHF publications.
Claire tells us about her life growing up with type 1 diabetes.
Like many women she shares with us how she didn’t realise she was having a heart attack. It was nearly missed but the paramedics carried out an ECG just in case. Thank goodness they did even though her readings were all fine.
Claire was blue lighted to hospital and rushed straight to the Cath lab. Hear how she woke up in ICU to be told she would be having a triple bypass.
Unfortunately, Claire lives with heart failure and she explains the different stages and what her next steps will be.
We talk about how living with heart disease can impact on friends and family. We chat about the work she does raising awareness with the British Heart Foundation.
Claire shares how she found mindfulness helps her and how she faces life living with heart failure.
She tells about how she has found purpose in supporting others through running a group on Facebook that is a community of ladies living with heart health issues.
You can find out more about her here …
You can meet Claire and many other lovely ladies on Facebook at Belles Hearties ♥️
And a bit more from me
Join me in the My Heart & Mind Community. A Facebook group to make friends, talk heart stuff, share experiences and have fun.
Read my book The Basics of Heart Health Management at Home Digital Workbook. Helping you with the practical side of life when living with heart disease. The source code of the how not only the what and the why!
And the beat goes on … one moment at a time
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