If you’ve experienced a heart attack, cancer or other serious health condition you will be expected to make changes. You have been made aware of the risk factors that you need to change those that are related to your life style choices for recovery. You may be experiencing worry and fear, sadness and anxiety since your your life changed.
Life changes
By using a combination of hypnotherapy, neuro linguistic programming (NLP) , BLAST Trauma Reprocessing, Core Transformation and life coaching along with other therapies, I will support you. Enabling you to gain the ability to make the life style changes recommended to you. I will also help you feel happier and more confident. This will allow you to manage the thoughts and feelings that you experience after a traumatic event.
These therapies are about helping people change easily and effortlessly. They are all solution focused techniques and have been found to create change relatively quickly and have lasting positive effects. I am here to listen and appreciate how you might be feeling a life changing event. You are not alone, I have been through many of these too!
You have power to change!
By using a combination of therapies, I will support you.
Enabling you to gain the ability to make the life style changes recommended to you. I will also help you feel happier and more confident. This will allow you to manage the thoughts and feelings that you experience after a traumatic event.
Click on a button below to learn more:
Learning to manage stress and anxiety in combination with getting physically fitter can reduce the risk of a cardiac event and improve your quality of life. It can be effective in lowering blood pressure too.
These feelings can be powerful and deeply distressing. But they’re natural reactions to the stress of an unexpected or traumatic event such as a heart attack. Learn how to control the feelings.
Gaining confidence in your heart, your body, your abilities, leaving the house, exercising, sex and going back to work can take a while. Getting your mojo back certainly helps you recover.
Being overweight increases your risk. The best thing you can do is to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. A healthy diet, reduction of alcohol and exercise all contribute to achieving the ideal body weight.
Eating a varied diet of healthy foods can help with your weight, blood pressure and cholesterol, it can also help with energy, and reduce stress and anxiety.
Being smoke free is one of the best ways to protect your heart. If you are a smoker, you should seriously consider stopping. The risk of high blood pressure and high cholesterol is doubled in smokers.
Whilst there is some evidence that says a small amount of alcohol is good for you. Drinking large amounts can cause problems. It can have an impact on your cholesterol, blood pressure and weight.
An imbalance of cholesterol in your blood can lead to a heart attack or stroke. You can help manage your cholesterol level through healthy eating, regular activity and quitting smoking.
Blood pressure isn’t something you can feel. If it’s too high, it needs to be treated. Healthy eating and exercise can help in this area, as will relaxation, meditation and hypnosis.
It’s important to manage your diabetes to help prevent a heart attack or stroke. Along with medication you can assist in managing it through healthy eating and exercise.
Being active and getting enough physical activity. Sitting too much isn’t good for your heart health. Regular activity can help with angina, weight management, sleep, lowering blood pressure and produces a sense of well-being and increases confidence.
Getting a good nights sleep is healing both mentally and physically and should never be a problem. However, sometimes we have difficulty getting to sleep, staying asleep or waking too early. A healthy diet, regular exercise and reducing stress and anxiety all help to give you a good nights sleep.
Useful links
British Heart Foundation
British Heart Foundation is the nation’s heart charity and the largest independent funder of cardiovascular research. Coronary heart disease is the UK’s single biggest killer but they are leading the fight against it. The BHF’s pioneering research has helped to transform the lives of people living with heart and circulatory conditions.
Samaritans Whatever you’re going through, call us free any time, from any phone on 116 123. We’re here round the clock, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you need a response immediately, it’s best to call us on the phone. This number is FREE to call. You don’t have to be suicidal to call us.
NHS 111
NHS 111 is the NHS non-emergency number. It’s fast, easy and free. Call 111 and speak to a highly trained adviser, supported by healthcare professionals. They will ask you a series of questions to assess your symptoms and immediately direct you to the best medical care for you. NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Calls are free from landlines and mobile phones.
Citizens Advice
Citizens Advice They provide free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities. This includes benefits, work, debt and money, consumer issues, family, housing, law and courts, immigration and health.
The Sleep Council
The Sleep Council is an impartial, advisory organisation that raises the awareness of the importance of a good night’s sleep to health and wellbeing and provides helpful advice and tips on how to improve sleep quality and create the perfect sleep environment.
British Snoring & Sleep Apnoea Association
British Snoring & Sleep Apnoea Association aims are to promote public awareness that snoring and sleep apnoea are generally treatable complaints and that help is available. We offer information on causes and treatments and this can be obtained from our web site or by telephone to one of our help line advisers.
Smokefree NHS
Smokefree NHS Choose the support that’s right for you. Many smokers want to quit but aren’t sure about the best way to go about it. There’s lots of free support on offer and by using the support that’s right for you, you’ll be boosting your chance of quitting.
Join A Hearties Facebook Group
Here’s a few that are only for people that a cardiac diagnosis or heart event. You may be interested some or all of these:
Are you worrying about your heart and mind? www.facebook.com/groups/myheartandmind
Do you want to quit smoking? www.facebook.com/groups/smokinghearts
Do you want to find love or friendship www.facebook.com/groups/hearties2hearties
Are you experiencing pumphead? www.facebook.com/groups/postperfusion
Volunteering, as a volunteer you can meet new people, learn new skills, gain confidence, give something back and get fit. You can give as much or as little time as you like. Any time you can spare will be hugely appreciated by the charity of your choice.
Walking Groups
Walking Groups Ramblers Wellbeing Walks are free, short walks that take place all across England. They’re designed to help you take the first step towards better health, wellbeing and happiness – and with hundreds of walks happening every week, you’re sure to find one right on your doorstep. There’s no need to book or plan a route. All you need to do is pull on your shoes and join in.
Adult Learning & Skills
Adult Learning & Skills WEA Adult Learning Within Reach was founded in 1903, their mission is to bring adult education within reach of everyone who needs it. They empower adults by bringing great teaching to local communities across England and Scotland, reaching tens of thousands of learners each year. This could be in a local venue near you, or online via your computer, tablet or phone. It’s the small class sizes and the highly tailored ways that they teach that makes the difference.
The Luck Academy
The Luck Academy can unlucky people do anything to improve their luck? The answer is yes! … Coming soon … to find out more and be added to my Wait List click here.

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