Hello I’m Sallie!
When you have a serious illness or a life-changing event it is stressful on so many levels. Until you have experienced it yourself you have no idea of the trauma it can cause. It’s not just the physical self that is affected; your emotional health feels the massive impact too. These can manifest as fear, anxiety, lack of confidence and changes to sleep patterns to mention just a few. Then there is the effect on family and friends, the changes to your lifestyle, driving, the workplace and running the home. It can be such an overwhelming experience.
Luckily the NHS is fabulous; they fix the physical and primary symptoms. We have available cardiologists, oncologists, pharmacists, physiotherapists, rehabilitation programmes and counselling. But not everyone takes up these opportunities. I recently surveyed 80 people that had experienced a cardiac event 30% said they had not attended cardio rehabilitation. 72% expressed that they didn’t get all of the support they felt they needed and would see a therapist that offered a range of complementary therapies.

I’m so lucky to be alive
During February 2016, I ruptured my Achilles tendon doing a Korean martial art called Tang Soo Doo. As if that wasn’t enough to deal with in March I had a heart attack. Like many women, I didn’t realise I was having a cardiac event. I thought I just had a bad case of indigestion. I did have discomfort in both my arms and across my chest but thought that was due to being on crutches. It took 3 days until I went to see my GP and that was only because of indigestion. Just as I was beginning to get my life back on track, only 8 weeks later I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Despite all this, I see myself as lucky. I can see all the positives and love living life. I really enjoy living in a Cambridgeshire village with my daughter and our pets.
My career was originally in the print, stationery and fulfilment industry. During this time I have attended many training courses in people and management skills including Dale Carnegie, How to handle difficult people, Management counselling, Career coaching, Business organisation and Communication studies. I have spent most of my working life as a manager of various teams.
Sport has always been part of my life and I received a 2nd Dan (black belt) in Shotokan karate and have competed at Crystal Palace. After marriage, I moved to the Huntingdon area in 2002. Later that year I experienced a difficult divorce, becoming a single parent and sustained a major injury.
I had a career change in 2002. I moved into the charity sector, working for the RSPB in the Volunteering Development Department (it’s a bit like the HR department of the unpaid workforce). Once again, I have attended many training courses on personal development, working with people, career coaching and management. I was also involved in delivering various workshops to staff and volunteers.
This was when I realised I had a passion for people and wanted to work with them to attain their hopes, dreams and aspirations.
In 2005 I attained Personal/Life Coaching (Fiona Harrold) Certificate and later that year the Diploma, through the Newcastle College. During 2006, I was certified as a Practitioner and in 2007 as Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) with the Gwiz Learning Partnership (Melody and Joe Cheal) and accredited by the Society of NLP (Richard Bandler) and registered with ANLP.
Later in 2007 I qualified as a Master Hypnotherapist with The International Hypnosis Society (IHS) and registered with the British Institute of Hypnotherapy.
Early in 2009, I undertook the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) Executive Coaching and Mentoring Certificate – Level 7, Train the Trainer, Transactional Analysis, Paradox & Tension Management and Conflict Resolution & Mediation.
Since then, in 2017 I gained certificates in Anxiety &
Stress Management, Nutrition & Weight Management, Pain Management, Mindfulness and in 2018 obtained a diploma in Indian Head Massage.
2019 I trained in Thought Field Therapy (TFT)/Emotional Freedom Technique (TFT) and accredited by Complementary Therapists Accredited Association (CTAA).
2022 I have a certificated in BLAST Trauma
Reprocessing to help overcome PTSD after a cardiac event.
I am also trained in Core Transformation a gentle
process to help change thoughts, feelings and
Personal/Life Coaching Certificate
Fiona Harrold
Personal/Life Coaching Diploma
Newcastle College
NLP Practitioner
Gwiz Learning Partnership (Melody and Joe Cheal), accredited by the society of NLP (Richard Bandler) and registered with ANLP
NLP Master Practitioner
Gwiz Learning Partnership (Melody and Joe Cheal), accredited by the society of NLP (Richard Bandler) and registered with ANLP
Master Hypnotherapist
International Hypnosis Society (IHS) and The Positive School of Intrinsic Hypnotherapy. Registered with the British Institute of Hypnotherapy and the General Hypnotherapy Council (GHSC).
Executive Coaching and Mentoring Certificate – Level 7
Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM), Train the Trainer, Transactional Analysis, Paradox & Tension Management and Conflict Resolution & Mediation.
Anxiety & Stress Management Certificate
Nutrition & Weight Management Certificate
Pain Management Certificate
Mindfulness Certificate
Indian Head Massage Diploma
Thought Field Therapy (TFT)/Emotional Freedom Technique (TFT)
Complementary Therapists Accredited Association (CTAA).
BLAST Trauma Reprocessing
Warwickshire School of Hypnotherapy
Core Transformation
Gwiz Learning Partnership (Melody Cheal)
How I can help you for free:
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Want something more personal?
Get in touch by email to book a personalised session with me.
If you change nothing, then nothing will change.
I can help you get the most out of living life after heart attack, so you can love life again.
You have all of the answers within and I will work with you to get the spark back.
Join my online communities
Do you feel like it’s only you that feels like this?
You are not alone, meet like-minded people by joining my free Facebook Groups. These communities are for you if you are trying to work out how to feel good after your life has been tipped upside down by a life-altering cardiac event and heart health issue.
I have created the groups so we can support each other. Come over to have a rant about life or ask for advice although you must remember we are not medical practitioners and can only share our personal experiences. Everyone in the group is welcome to post and respond provided the basic rules of kindness at met.
Click below to join and meet other people that have a good idea about you’re feeling, the complexity of reducing risk factors and what it’s like to live with a heart health issue.

My Heart & Mind Support Group
This community is for people who have experience of a cardiac event and is having difficulty managing the emotional side of rehabilitation. Primarily this group is a safe and nurturing place for you (and your partner) if you have had heart-related problems such as a heart attack, transplant, cardiac arrest or have been diagnosed with heart disease etc.

Smoking Hearts Community
If you are a smoker or vaper that wants to quit and has had a heart attack, cardiac event, or lives with a heart disease diagnosis, this group is for you. You’ll find quit tips and ideas, encouragement, understanding, and make new friends.
In this community, we will help each other to quit and support each other as we do.